Business Valuation

The reasons to obtain a business valuation could be exit planning, goodwill impairment testing, or share holder disputes

Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner's interest in a business.

Why Business Valuation

Why Business Valuation

If you would like to sell your business, or you have disputes among shareholders, or you want to estimate your company's goodwill, or attract investors to your company;then you need a business valuation.



There are 3 major approaches to determine your business's value: Income, market, and asset.The method that works best for your business depends on the size of your company, the type of industry it operates in, and your goals for the valuation.

Information Needed

Information Needed

We need your financial statements, a description of your services/products, customers, vendors, and competitors. We also need to know how you operate your company, marketing strategies, and business plan.

Valuation Report

Valuation Report

We provide you a business valuation report which includes valuation approaches, business value and selling price considerations, business price justification, and statement of limiting conditions.

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